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March 5, 2009
GCC Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2009
                         2nd Floor Meeting Room

Attendance: Carl Shreder, Paul Nelson, Tom Howland, John Bell, Mike Birmingham, Steve Przyjemski, and Sharon Munro.
  • Bills
MOTION to pay the bills. Tom/John B. all/unam


  • Meeting minutes for: 7/24/08 (Verbatim), 9/4/08 (Legal portion is verbatim), 12/18/08 and 1/22/09.
MOTION to approve above meeting minutes. John B. / Tom all/unam

  • Camp Denison – Manager License Agreement
Manager agreement to be consistent with the re-appointment of the manager. Dated as an annual license.
  • Camp Denison – Be Epic, Inc. Contract
Paul’s corrections on the sanitary waste facilities
  • Camp Denison – WIW Agreement
Paul’s corrections on sanitary waste facilities. Laundry list of conservation uses for sponsorship from camp Denison Com.
  • Camp Denison – Management Plan
MOTION to sign Camp Denison contracts for Be-epic and WIW and authorize the Chair to sign the management plan for Camp Denison. John B. /Tom all/unam


  • Nicholas Cracknel from the Planning Board regarding upcoming PB regulation changes. Also, unexpected discussion on 34 Thurlow Street.
Nick Cracknel, PB – 34 Thurlow Street project came to Nick Cracknel, PB after approval but suggestions were made to improve the plan with the consideration of donating back parcel of land to Con Com. Discussion involves access/parking. Abutters object to parking at the end of Phillips Ave. There would be CR’s in the back of the lots and larger separate parcel in back would be a donation if the Con Com/ Open Space would accept.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We will speak with the Open Space and get back to you (meaning applicants).

Nick Cracknel, PB – Discussed 43D districts for Carleton Drive and National Ave. that evolve around a time frame to allow project progression, a 180 day time frame.

  • Camp Denison contracts/agreements/plans
Mr. Morehouse and Mr. Gorton in attendance

Bob Morehouse, CDC – Presented an annual report with income and expenditures. Mr. Morehouse points out the many accomplishments in the past year.
Bob Morehouse, of CDC points out the many groups who have used the facility. They are currently looking into ADA improvements. They would like to expand the sanitary waste removal. They would like to explore the issue of allowing alcohol at the facility. Currently, they are working with the selectmen on this issue. The issue is the contracts for Be Epic, the WIW contract….

Carl Shreder, GCC – Well, we also have a request that you want to increase the Revolving to 12K.  Why do you feel this is necessary?

Bob Morehouse, CDC – We feel that we will need the funds and we want to ensure the funds are there when we need it.

Carl Shreder, GCC – There is some concern about the liability with allowing alcohol. We need more information and a plan for this idea.

Town of Georgetown Regulation discussion

MOTION to continue hearing to April 16th @ 7:30pm. Tom/John B/ all/unam

Penn Brook Ave. (Culvert Replacement)

MOTION to continue hearing to April 16th @ 7:40pm. John B. / Tom all/unam

12 Lake Ave.

Bob Grasso, of Prof. Land Services in attendance.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Natural Heritage has responded with a notation explaining that there is no adverse affects and DEP has issued a DEP number. Bob Grasso explains septic system placement and relation to pond. They are proposing to crush and replace existing system with a Presby system. Grading would be limited using the Presby system.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Have you received the variance from the BOH?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are you going to damage the pines putting that in?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – No, we won’t damage them. Hay bails will be installed along the limit of work, here.

Paul Nelson, GCC – You mean silt socks?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – Yes, excuse me. Silt socks.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I just recommend not approving the line.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are there any abutters?

Resident – I live across the street.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Do you have any issues or questions?

Resident – No.

MOTION to approve plan dated 1/21/09, not accepting the resource line. John B. /Carl all/unam

MOTION to close the hearing. Tom/ John B. all/unam

2 Forest Street

Liam O’Heir, Applicant in attendance.

Paul Nelson abstains from hearing as abutter.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I signed a building permit awhile back and my best guess is that I misinterpreted the work to be done. I should have done a site walk but I didn’t realize the extent of the work. The applicant also wants to remove some trees as well. I want to look at this as if it weren’t built and see if there is anything you would like to suggest. All of the trees are inside the no –cut bounds. Some are appearing diseased and others that look fine.

Carl Shreder, GCC – This is why we try to have the builder not build so close to the no-cut line.

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – I wouldn’t try to manipulate the system. I didn’t foresee an issue with the trees being so close to the house.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Well, it is the developer that usually builds to close. If we can see a legitimate reason to get rid of the trees then we can work with you on that.

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – Sure, after the ice storm this year and seeing what happened to those people in NH I was concerned with those trees.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Now, Steve, you have been out there which ones do you think are a potential problem?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Numbers 1, 8, 9 and 3 are the ones I could see coming down. The rest is up to you guys. They are not leaning now but they will have the potential to lean toward the house.

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – The tree here numbered 6, is pretty bent.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The first three are no brainers but the others are up to you, as a commission.

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – What about these by my kids play area? Those branches have been falling there. I am not looking to extend my yard I am concerned about the safety of my kids when they are out playing.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I can see removing the diseased and leaning trees.

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – I would think 2 and 3. I would make a compromise but the others I would like to see come down. The pines are dropping branches.

Tom Howland, GCC – I drew a wire to lean the tree in an opposite direction to prevent it from coming down toward my house. That would be another suggestion.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I would rather rely on you guys for this one. Also, on the four season room I would like to work on some mitigation.

Carl Shreder, GCC – The ones I can see coming down is the diseased trees but the others…

John Bell, GCC – You could also consider the cable method. It would be cheaper, too.

Carl Shreder, GCC – They do come back and will grow and grow and grow…. We have to avoid a “just because” basis to set a precedence on these situations.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Just based on these pictures it hard to see.

John Bell, GCC – When are you looking to do it?

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – As soon as possible.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, we need some mitigation.

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – Sure.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Would you be willing to work with us on maybe planting some in exchange?

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – Well, I would need to understand the cost and to what extent.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I could make some suggestions and work with you later on the details. The cost is reasonable.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Well, we can’t make a decision until we have mitigation in place.

John Bell, GCC – So, 1, 9, 10 and 6?

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – If you want, you could take 2 and 3 of as a compromise.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Let’s get a draft of what we are talking about.

John Bell, GCC – The mitigation should be 2 to 1.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I would suggest the mitigation more with the trees you are not as comfortable taking down.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, the trees numbered 1, 6, 4, 9 and 10?

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – So, Steve number 5 could be trimmed and be okay?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – It could potentially be no problem.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, 5, 7, 2 and 3 are staying?

John Bell, GCC – Yes.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Would any abutters like to comment?

Paul Nelson, GCC (as abutter) – When they had first built this house it was built too close. The Cons Com had recommended that only one house be built in the area now containing 2 & 4 Forest Street, the builder refused. Consequently, both houses are built to close to the DND line.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – Well, what the builder did is irrelevant.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – So, numbers 5, 2, 7 and 8 are staying?

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – The one by my kids’ playground area is #7.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Can you just prune that one?

Liam O’Heir, Applicant – If you let me prune 5 and 7 that would be great. Ten can go?

MOTION to issue a negative determination with conditions for the removal of trees numbered 1, 9, 10, 6 and 4. Trees numbered 5 and 7 to be pruned. Steve is to be present for cutting and for Steve to work on mitigation due to safety issues. John B./Mike/Carl/Paul

MOTION to close the RDA hearing for 2 Forest Street. Mike/Tom all/unam

47 West Street

MOTION to continue hearing to May 28th @ 7:30pm & 7:35pm. Tom/John B. all/unam

Executive Session

MOTION to enter executive session Paul/John B. all/unam

Roll call to enter executive session

Carl Shreder – Aye
John Bell – Aye
Paul Nelson – Aye
Tom Howland – Aye
Mike Birmingham – Aye

Discussions regarding current litigation.

MOTION to exit executive session Tom/John B. all/unam

Roll call to exit executive session

Carl Shreder – Aye
John Bell – Aye
Paul Nelson – Aye
Tom Howland – Aye
Mike Birmingham – Aye